
The other day I took Bonnie from Flashes of Style out on a little adventure. I wanted to break her out of the usual "blogger" type of shots and do something that has a story. I wanted it to still be like Bonnie...meaning I didn't want people to think I changed her just for a shoot. I just wanted her to let go of the red lipstick and show her natural beauty. We all get comfortable with certain things and begin to either settle or live behind those things. Perfect example is makeup and clothes. 
I must say the one thing I first noticed about Bonnie was the RED lips. She pulls them off perfectly, and I love that. Also I noticed in times we shot that she didn't need them either. Most people that follow her of course know her/love her because of those red lips haha...sounds funny. Anyways I wanted to show her other side...the more vulnerable side. I wanted you to see her let go a little. We acted like we were in Ireland for a day, and I think her inner warrior princess came out. 


Pie Party

In honor of the Pie Party today I thought I would share some images from my pie making day with Camille Becerra and Kristy Mucci. They are some beautiful and talented ladies. It was just a lovely afternoon of making pies and tarts while the beautiful natural light in Camille's apartment was flooding in. I have had the pleasure to meet a lot of creative people lately, and couldn't be more grateful. We all have so much to learn from others, and I try to soak up as much as I can during something as simple as making a pie. I hope you all are having a beautiful start to the Fall. More lovely things coming soon. Make sure to follow my instagram for more recent updates : emjane12 


Constantly Learning

Hey guys! So I just realized that over all these past photo sessions I have done with some amazing people I have left many great shots out. I never want to revile everything, because then there would be no mystery or that "wanting more" factor. 
I have learned so much from all the wonderful people I have met thus far. Not only am I taking their photos, but I am getting to hear their stories. I then try to photograph them as if they have never been photographed before. After they let me know those vulnerable and small insecurities they have about themselves I then try to make those things the beautiful things. I want their reaction to be "Emma I actually love this picture of myself...I look beautiful!" I want the audience to see that different side they always wonder about. We are all human and we see negative things about ourselves we wish we could change....but why? They crazy thing is, those things we are insecure about..someone else LOVES and is drawn to.
I recently had brunch with an awesome photographer friend, and I was telling him how I will send the photos to the person I photographed, and the photos they choose end up being the ones I honestly wouldn't have picked. Not because they aren't that great, but it's about how they see themselves and the moments that they swooned at vs. what I saw. As you can see we all see beauty of ourselves and others in so many different ways.
I know this post is already going in circles...which I tend to do when I talk (my insecurity.) It makes sense in my head..haha
Anyways what I mean is don't be so quick to put yourself down on those small things. One should accept themselves, because no matter what you have to live with yourself for.. well long as you live. haha
Think about it...say you aren't feeling your absolute cutest when you walk out the door for a date...what are you going to do about it? Have a super pout face....or OWN the shit out of it. They don't know that "that" specific moment you aren't feeling your best. Also what you may think isn't cute that guy or girl could instantly be swooning over as soon as you see each other. So this post is about thinking positive on this dreary Monday. Let's all look into the mirror, and accept ourselves and OWN the shit out of it. 

Below are some unforgotten/forgotten pictures...ENJOY:)

PS: I may have been listening to some motivational music while writing this...soo I will include that also;)

Also two pictures take a minute to load! 


Brooklyn Abode

I am now officially not homeless! Just got my keys to my new place in East Williamsburg. As of right now I only have one roommate, but it will be three by September 1st. I am so excited to get my room together and finally have a place to myself. It has hardwood floors and white walls....and...2 windows! So excited to show my process in how I decorate! I found a lot of inspiration on Pinterest. I love simple and WHITE. I will include some below:)



Currently I am doing the whole "Airbnb" thing while I find my next permanent place in Brooklyn, NY. It is very interesting to say the least. My host is cool. I think it is just one of those things where it is awkward regardless because it isn't your actual home. I kind of feel like I am staying with a distant Aunt I only get cards from when its my birthday, but never actually visit/see her. So staying in a random place is always kind of uncomfortable, I mean you definitely pay attention to the messes you make 10x more then usual. (Not that I am a messy person by any means..)
I hope to find a place soon so that is good...ha..(desperation in her voice..)
Anyways I snapped a couple pictures out and about yesterday. I am currently shooting for a company who is advertising for the Nike+FuelBand thing. I am having to shoot the ads that Nike is putting up all around the city. Some may be digital displays while others are simple posters. It is somewhat of a scavenger hunt.
Also thought I would throw in a picture of the cards I am photographing from Gold Field Arts. They have beautiful cards that all of you should check out. I will include a link below. I hope you all are having a great Wednesday!

PS. My new shirt has Chickens on it!!!


Getting Personal

Hey guys,

I feel like I haven’t really wrote a real personal post in a while, and thought it was time to do so. Something has really been bothering me lately. I am sure you all know about how Cory Monteith passed away a month ago. I am not sure why this hit me so hard. I am not one to get emotional about someone I do not know personally nor would I act as if I knew someone as soon as they pass away. Maybe it is the fact that I have watched Glee since it started and Finn Hudson and Rachel Berry was always the couple I was rooting for. Or maybe it’s the fact that Lea Michele was completely surprised one night in LA by a disturbing phone call telling her that the love of her life has passed away.

I think that’s it. Why would he do this out of the blue when had planned to move in with Lea as soon as he got home from Vancouver? They had full intentions of eventually marrying one another in a couple years and then BAM…her world is flipped upside down. Lea has been by his side during his struggles with addiction, and thought he was recovering. Regardless of what killed him that doesn't take away from what a wonderful person he was. He had amazing talent and loved what he did every day. What makes me upset, and is something that will eventually make her upset is that in return he selfishly left her to deal with a horrific phone call she will never forget and funeral plans. She will now have an empty hole in her heart. I think why this whole situation has made me upset is the “didn’t see it coming” factor. I understand that he was struggling with his addiction for quite sometime, but he also had the family of Glee and the love from Lea and family who were always there for him. The fact that, that wasn’t enough, proves that no matter how much we think we know someone they also keep certain things to themselves. I don't think a lot of us realize the struggles people have behind whom they portray themselves to be on a daily basis. That's why you should hold the door for someone or smile at a complete stranger. You never know if in that moment you changed their perspective on life. Lea never saw this coming because things between them were raw and beautiful. It’s not like she didn’t know about the problem. I can imagine he told her everything and anything that would go through his mind.

I guess it just hurts my heart because when my brother passed away there was the same “didn’t see it coming” factor. It was on a rainy Thursday night and then there was that random horrifying call that my brother “is hurt really bad, I think he is dead.” My dad always is dramatic about day-to-day things. Hearing the “worst” possible scenarios about a situation was somewhat of the norm coming from his mouth. I remember my mom and I getting that phone call on the way back home from CVS. We quickly picked my dad up because he knew where it happened. My heart was racing, but I quickly stayed optimistic. Plenty of people have accidents that happen and get injured but eventually heal from…of course that is what happened with my brother…

My dad was repeating the worst possible scenarios, and I remember saying “DAD..STOP…everything is going to be ok…we just have to be positive…he probably just had a accident riding..”

Who would have known I would be right….man do I wish I wasn’t..

I remember driving up to that scene, on that rainy night, and seeing a lot of cars and an ambulance. My mom parked, and I was the last one to get out. My parents were then steps ahead of me…my dad was first. I remember seeing him fall to his knees and then seeing my mom a couple feet behind him fall against a car…very slowly.


With Lea I heard she screamed for hours and cried until she couldn’t stop. I am not one to believe the media, but that I do believe. I will never know exactly how she feels, or how my mom feels or how my brothers feel. I also would never compare my pain to her pain. What I am familiar with is that hole in her heart she now has to deal with everyday. That hole will never be healed no matter how much people say “It will get easier in time…” If I could I would take one of the two middle fingers I have and poke them in the eye with it. No it doesn’t get “easier” you just learn to build your life around it. You are completely starting over. Someone that you once learned from, loved, nourished, talked too, looked to for advice, hugged and saw everyday for 15 years (in my case) was RIPPED out of your life. You then have to change some things around. You revaluate your life, and see if you are doing anything to make the world a better place.

I watched the Lea’s tribute on the TCA’s and immediately was crying with her. People used to tell me I was so strong…but she was SMILING while crying. She was glowing as soon as she took that stage. It was as if she had just had a baby. The things she said made me want to just hug her. I wouldn’t say anything…just simply hug her. That’s all I ever wanted…I didn’t want to hear “Only the good die young…” or  “RIP” as if it were Halloween. I didn’t want to hear “I am sorry.” I just wanted a hug. To simply be held without any pressure of talking.

Anyways I hope none of the Cory stuff offends anyone. I am simply stating my opinion and views towards a story I have been following since it happened and needed to type it out. Love to hear thoughts on the situation if one has any.


Included below is the video of her tribute.



I know you all are starting to have doubts.....BUT from now on my posts will be regular again! I have been on vacation in Cape Cod MASS. and, now just got back to NYC. Not only was that a lot I am in the process of finding a new place to live. It has been horrific to say the least. Until I can share some new adventure-type pictures I wanted to share some pictures I did with my niece and sister-n-law in the Cape Cod house.
Also a couple pictures from a dinner with friends and family. I hope you enjoy, and I am sorry for all the gaps in my posts. I am trying to get myself together so I can be continuous no matter what is going on in my life. Thank you for being patient. 
