The other day I took Bonnie from Flashes of Style out on a little adventure. I wanted to break her out of the usual "blogger" type of shots and do something that has a story. I wanted it to still be like Bonnie...meaning I didn't want people to think I changed her just for a shoot. I just wanted her to let go of the red lipstick and show her natural beauty. We all get comfortable with certain things and begin to either settle or live behind those things. Perfect example is makeup and clothes.
I must say the one thing I first noticed about Bonnie was the RED lips. She pulls them off perfectly, and I love that. Also I noticed in times we shot that she didn't need them either. Most people that follow her of course know her/love her because of those red lips haha...sounds funny. Anyways I wanted to show her other side...the more vulnerable side. I wanted you to see her let go a little. We acted like we were in Ireland for a day, and I think her inner warrior princess came out.