Stone Row
Hey guys! So excited to share my collaboration with Volcom x Refinery29. Volcom recently has come out with an awesome new women's line called Stone Row. The pieces are edgy/classic and can literally go with everything. My favorite piece has to be the leather jacket. It is slim, light and SO easy to throw on over a dress or t-shirt. Also I love how these pieces could transition from day to night and from summer to fall!
Hope you enjoy, also links are provided yea...start shopping;)
Shop my picks and the rest of the collection here <--
Wow so many things have been happening as of late. I recently got a part-time job at UrbanOutfitters to have a little extra to buy some things for myself....haha. Anyways I realized I haven't really sat down and talked on here in a while. I am always updating with photos I am taking for projects I am doing. Not that I don't love updating everyone I also like to take time and talk about stuff. I am a human I have problems and ups and downs like everyone else. Though my Instagram may look dreamy, and only consist of coffee and doughnuts but....
Life isn't all doughnuts and daily cortados...hmm...if only...
Today I actually went to shoot something, but ended up rescheduling for later so then there was this camera I had on me...
I was actually walking back home and opened my eyes a little. I always pass this tattoo shop, and for some reason this time there was this little boy sitting in the doorway reading a book! First off I was taken back that this little boy was "reading" a book, and then I was even more thrown off by the fact he was just chilling in front of a tattoo shop. Something about the fact he was so into this book and not an ipad. Ipad's are taking over the world these days, especially with kids. They know how to work those things more then adults. Anyways the boy noticed me, and I asked him if I could take some photos. He said yes and I told him to stay how he was but to look down...then when I count to 3 just look up. He did so...perfectly I might add, and below is the result. Such a lovely moment.
Then I needed to walk around and enjoy the last fallen leaves that make the streets come alive. I do love snuggly weather, but boy does NYC take that to a whole another level. It has been teasing us lately, and I must admit I am dreading the blistering winds that are coming.
Also the last photo I must tell you about a lovely lady named Emily. She is the owner of The Object Enthusiast, and her products are beautiful. She send me a small vase and ring dish (I will photograph later) and I am just swooning over here. Make sure to check out her stuff....I promise you won't be leaving that cart empty...
Link below!
Also it actually just turned 12 as I am writing this so I would like to give a shout out to my AMAZING / BEAUTIFUL / LOVING / SMART Momma. Happy Birthday Mom I LOVE you and I am so thankful that you are my mom. You have allowed me to follow my dreams, and I appreciate/love you more then you know.
A Familiar Face
Hey everyone! I am so sorry for not posting lately! I have been getting everything together for my portfolio, and having last minute photoshoots that have taken up my free time! I am back and should be posting a little more frequently now!
"A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you today just the way you are."
This past weekend my best friend Ashleykate came to visit from NC. I have been missing her A LOT. It was time for her to come to say the least. It was nice seeing a familiar face on Bedford Ave at 4:00am. That's right, she had a lot of bad luck with the airport in Charlotte, NC and ended up being delayed for a good 6 hours. Oh well she got here and that is all that matters! I had a lot planned for her visit, but I feel as though once a friend gets here you end up spending more time talking in a coffee shop then seeing the city! She was only here for a weekend....bummer...but we made the most of it. We took the long way into the city, and walked across the Williamsburg bridge. We became indecisive about where to eat because I had endless places to choose from.
We ended up getting brunch at Jack's Wife Freda. An adorable place in Soho. As we were waiting for a table I began to people I always do. I was waiting for someone to make me whip out my camera. Sure enough I noticed this girl with some awesome sunnies on. They were round and her messy(in a good way) curly hair was fighting with the wind, and providing me with the perfect shot. She never noticed me. I wish I would have done a quick photoshoot with her, but then it was our time to eat. I enjoyed a delicious waffle with some kind of honey syrup, and Ashleykate got some type of Greek meal. So many colors so I had to photograph it! I also got a latte that was delicious. After we sat and talked about who knows what we left and wandered around Soho for awhile. Eventually we got back over to Brooklyn, and took care of our cravings for something sweet. Of course I told her about my favorite spot Bakeri. We both love chocolate chip cookies and I told her she had to have theirs! We sat out on their patio and ate cookies, and I got a cortado. Soon I will eventually turn into one of those things..
Anyways I took a couple shots and then we walked to the East river. We watched the sun go down, and possibly checked out some beautiful men that just happened to be "reading" in the park. Eventually I had to say my goodbyes...well more like see you later to my best friend. I am so glad she came and spent a couple days with me. I am relaxed and ready to finish my portfolio and hopefully blow everyone away!
I hope you enjoy the photos of our mini adventures!
Afternoon Delight
Last week I began to visit a local bakery called Bakeri a little more then I would like to admit. I can't help myself though. From their delicious cortado's and yummy chocolate chip peanut butter cookies they have me hooked. Not to mention their interior and exterior is divine. I almost feel like I have stepped out of NYC and into Paris. In New York not a lot of places have back patios to relax on. When I found out that Bakeri did I have kind of escaped there this past week. I observed my surroundings..whether it would be beautiful people, or the birds was just soothing.
During school we had an assignment to photograph 36 strangers in all different kinds of lighting conditions. It was how we learned to use a flash for a DSLR. As if learning how to use a flash isn't hard enough...we then had to go up to 36 strangers. For me the stranger part was the easy part. I love people and love to talk. My favorite thing to do in coffee shops or well pretty much anywhere is to strike up a conversation. There are artistic people all around me here in NYC, and not taking advantage of that is well..DUMB. I am sure you are wondering why this applies with this post. Well I actually noticed this beautiful, natural girl on the back patio as I was eating lunch. You will notice my creeper shot. haha Then I noticed this beautiful stone wall covered in greenery. Naturally I thought why not put the two subjects together. I waited for this couple to leave. I then asked her if she would mind if we do a little mini photoshoot. She probably thought I was crazy, and that I talk really bad.
-Side Note: When I get excited about an idea I tend to talk really fast, and just not make any sense. Oh well..that's Emma for ya.
Anyways she eventually understood what I meant and was happy to help. I first thought that was amazing, and then thought Emma you have to take full advantage of this situation. So below I included a couple shots I was able to achieve with a beautiful girl named Yuri. I feel the atmosphere fit her natural beauty rather perfect actually. I am leaving some for a surprise later on for my portfolio..but you will get the idea.
Thank you again Yuri for your time and letting me photograph you. It was certainly a pleasure and kind of an awesome part of my day.
Emma Jane
“At the end of the day you will not remember the person with the most beautiful face but you will remember the person with the most beautiful heart and soul.”
Beautiful Soul
With Kacy Johnson it's a completely different story because she also has a beautiful, well GORGEOUS face. Kacy is someone I can call a great friend, mentor, therapist (to all my boy problems) and someone who will listen to my everyday struggles. She also tells me the honest truth and doesn't sugar coat things. As you may have figured out Emma lives in a some-what fantasy/hopeless romantic world....yes I realize I just talked about myself in third person.. s o - w h a t . Being in that world has me constantly thinking the best of people even when they actually aren't being that great to me. She let's me know what it's "Not a thing" and to just go on to the next. You have to pick your battles and ever since my english teacher told me that I will never forget it. Those tiny, maybe sometimes big problems that sometimes aren't worth the aftermath.
Basically KJ is a beautiful person inside and out. I have had the pleasure of getting to know her from photography school. She is someone I personally look up too and aspire too in many ways. You know that one person that you can talk about future plans with and could totally backpack across Europe with?! Well she is definitely that person to me...(Kacy if you are reading this hint hint on the backpacking through Europe thing..ha) I have learned a lot from being around this chic and couldn't imagine not having her in my life. She has been interning in Brazil with a photographer and traveling from place to place for the past couple of months. The best part is she has landed in the beautiful NYC for a little while, and will be interning here for a bit before heading back to Sao Paulo.
We decided to get some brunch at OAK WINE and BAR and then go to some flea markets. I find her completely beautiful so OF course I took full advantage of photographing her. I am obsessed with the last two images I think it is. My new lens was on POINT today and having a beautiful model also helps. I asked her a couple questions to kind of go along with the post I hope you all enjoy!
Emma Jane
What do you love most about photography? Wow, tough question. I'm a pretty shy in person, at least until I get to know you well. I like meeting people and being around people, but I'm hesitant to reveal much of myself in conversation and sometimes I just can't seem to put the right words together the way I hope to. For me, photography is a way to convey something that I see in the world without having to use words, projecting emotion with an image.
Who or what has most influenced your path to becoming a photographer? No one person, but lots of books, music, language, paintings, films, design of all kinds.
I know you recently were in Sao Paulo Brazil interning for (Julio Bittencourt) what was your most memorable experience? You know I have a love affair with Brazil, girl:) Put it on your list of places to visit, Emma! I'm definitely going back, so you can come vist me. :) Julio is a ridiculously talented photographer and the loveliest person you'll ever meet. I really couldn't have asked for anything more from that experience. Brazil is huge, and it is incredibly diverse. Unbelievable beaches, crazy rainforest, a monstrous city; just so much to explore. The people I met there were all wonderful. It's a really special place, and I feel so lucky to have found my way there.
Where do you want to travel to next? Thailand, Cuba, France and Russia come to mind. For now though, I'm thrilled to spend spring and summer in NYC working with an awesome film director. After that, I'm just staying open, and we'll see where life leads me.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I see myself experimenting with music and video and hopefully using photography to work with people and organizations that are doing good work in the world.
What's something (like a motto or saying) that gets you through each day and motivates you.(Maybe something someone has told you that you will never forget) I read this letter to Agnes De Mille from Martha Graham, and it has really stuck with me. Creative souls like this keep me inspired to push and explore when I feel wary about where I'm going creatively.
A Letter to Agnes De Mille from Martha Graham -
There is a vitality,
a life force,
a quickening
that is translated through you into action,
and because there is only one of you in all time,
this expression is unique.
And If you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost.
The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine
how good it is
nor how valuable it is
nor how it compares with other expressions.
It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly
to keep the channel open.
You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work.
You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate YOU.
Keep the channel open...
No artist is pleased...
There is no satisfaction whatever at anytime
There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction
a blessed unrest that keeps us marching
and makes "us" MORE alive than the others.
Weekend Brunch
This weekend was filled with sunny and warm spring-like days...(FINALLY.) Ryan and I decided to have brunch Saturday and then do a little exploring around Williamsburg, Brooklyn. It was kind of fun to show her all the new places I have come across since I have moved here. I showed her a couple of my favorite thrift stores and we caught the last hour of Smorgasburg (part of the Brooklyn Flea.)
Anyways starting off we hit a delicious place in South Williamsburg called Rabbit Hole. I highly recommend it if you are ever around the area. It is very cozy...but not in that annoying way where you hear everyone's conversation around you....ha THE WORST ever. It has a industrial/ "Brunchy" feel to it, so basically perfect for us. I had the eggs benedict and Ryan got the stuffed french mouth is watering just talking about it. They are reasonably priced, which was nice because let's face it..there is a reason brunch only happens on the weekends..haha. We had a little fun snapping some pictures while we were there. It is so weird getting my picture taken. I kind of hate it to be honest. I am usually the one taking the pictures and not being pictured. and Ryan took full advantage of capturing "Emma." haha
She took great pictures and I actually don't hate them too much. Which is saying a lot because I never like pictures of me at all. I guess it is nice for you all to see me too, and who is behind this whole "Photo Diary" thing. Oh by the way that isn't beer in my hand if you were wondering it is actually this crazy cool tea we tried at the Smorgasburg thing and it is called Kombuch. I will put link for that and the Smorgasburg thing below for you all to check out. Basically it gives you the same effects that coffee would without the "crash" part after the caffeine would eventually fade. Definitely something I could only have every once in awhile but it is worth trying if you hate the crash part of caffeine.
I caught couple of moments while we sat near the East River, including a little girl who was just relaxing and taking in the sunshine.
I hope everyone has a great Monday!
Emma Jane
Thank you Ryan for pictures of me! <3