With Kacy Johnson it's a completely different story because she also has a beautiful, well GORGEOUS face. Kacy is someone I can call a great friend, mentor, therapist (to all my boy problems) and someone who will listen to my everyday struggles. She also tells me the honest truth and doesn't sugar coat things. As you may have figured out Emma lives in a some-what fantasy/hopeless romantic world....yes I realize I just talked about myself in third person.. s o - w h a t . Being in that world has me constantly thinking the best of people even when they actually aren't being that great to me. She let's me know what it's "Not a thing" and to just go on to the next. You have to pick your battles and ever since my english teacher told me that I will never forget it. Those tiny, maybe sometimes big problems that sometimes aren't worth the aftermath.
Basically KJ is a beautiful person inside and out. I have had the pleasure of getting to know her from photography school. She is someone I personally look up too and aspire too in many ways. You know that one person that you can talk about future plans with and could totally backpack across Europe with?! Well she is definitely that person to me...(Kacy if you are reading this hint hint on the backpacking through Europe thing..ha) I have learned a lot from being around this chic and couldn't imagine not having her in my life. She has been interning in Brazil with a photographer and traveling from place to place for the past couple of months. The best part is she has landed in the beautiful NYC for a little while, and will be interning here for a bit before heading back to Sao Paulo.
We decided to get some brunch at OAK WINE and BAR and then go to some flea markets. I find her completely beautiful so OF course I took full advantage of photographing her. I am obsessed with the last two images I think it is. My new lens was on POINT today and having a beautiful model also helps. I asked her a couple questions to kind of go along with the post I hope you all enjoy!
Emma Jane
What do you love most about photography? Wow, tough question. I'm a pretty shy in person, at least until I get to know you well. I like meeting people and being around people, but I'm hesitant to reveal much of myself in conversation and sometimes I just can't seem to put the right words together the way I hope to. For me, photography is a way to convey something that I see in the world without having to use words, projecting emotion with an image.
Who or what has most influenced your path to becoming a photographer? No one person, but lots of books, music, language, paintings, films, design of all kinds.
I know you recently were in Sao Paulo Brazil interning for (Julio Bittencourt) what was your most memorable experience? You know I have a love affair with Brazil, girl:) Put it on your list of places to visit, Emma! I'm definitely going back, so you can come vist me. :) Julio is a ridiculously talented photographer and the loveliest person you'll ever meet. I really couldn't have asked for anything more from that experience. Brazil is huge, and it is incredibly diverse. Unbelievable beaches, crazy rainforest, a monstrous city; just so much to explore. The people I met there were all wonderful. It's a really special place, and I feel so lucky to have found my way there.
Where do you want to travel to next? Thailand, Cuba, France and Russia come to mind. For now though, I'm thrilled to spend spring and summer in NYC working with an awesome film director. After that, I'm just staying open, and we'll see where life leads me.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I see myself experimenting with music and video and hopefully using photography to work with people and organizations that are doing good work in the world.
What's something (like a motto or saying) that gets you through each day and motivates you.(Maybe something someone has told you that you will never forget) I read this letter to Agnes De Mille from Martha Graham, and it has really stuck with me. Creative souls like this keep me inspired to push and explore when I feel wary about where I'm going creatively.
A Letter to Agnes De Mille from Martha Graham -
There is a vitality,
a life force,
a quickening
that is translated through you into action,
and because there is only one of you in all time,
this expression is unique.
And If you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost.
The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine
how good it is
nor how valuable it is
nor how it compares with other expressions.
It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly
to keep the channel open.
You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work.
You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate YOU.
Keep the channel open...
No artist is pleased...
There is no satisfaction whatever at anytime
There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction
a blessed unrest that keeps us marching
and makes "us" MORE alive than the others.