Sister Sister

Finally I cant start showing you all pictures from the lovely sister shoot I got to do a week ago! I had the pleasure of shooting the beautiful Suarez sisters!! Natalie you will remember from the couple shoot I did a couple months back, and her sister Dylana I have been excited to meet. Finally we took a Sunday afternoon and shot around LES. The way they vibe off each other was so badass. They constantly gave me different poses which made my job oh so easy. I hope you enjoy Part 1 :)



I recently shot Apneet who has the blog called Fabric Snob. We shot around Bushwick all day and this is part 1 of 3. I had a wonderful time shooting her, and will be doing a couple more collaborations in the future that you will all see. I love that she can take her style from edgy to girly, but still stay completely true to herself and what she is about.
I hope everyone is having a lovely day:) Was thinking about starting a new series for tuesdays. I want to do different coffee shops I love, and where one should go depending on the area of NYC they are in! 


Folklike Friday

I recently came across a brand called Maven Collection off of Design Love Fest blog. Bri had a rug by them that immediately had me swooning. When I went on their site I saw they also had floor pillows. I thought it would be a perfect addition to my new room. I wanted a cozy corner. I still have a lot of rearranging to do, but I wanted to show off my new piece! I hope you enjoy, and visit their lovely site that will drain your wallets;)



I wanted to share some pictures of what I have been working on lately! I just got finished shooting for Davie and Erica and Lua. They are all fashion bloggers and lovely people. I hope you enjoy some shots!


Little Things

Hey guys! I came across a couple images I have taken in the past weeks. I thought it would be nice to have a little post about some sweet moments. About a week or more ago there was a delicious Pie Party at the lovely Patricks house. I made my mom's very southern, mouthwatering and delicious Apple Pie. Take note this was my first time doing so by myself....(with my mom on Facetime of course..) Let's just say my speakers in my Iphone still don't work because of all the flour that got into them haha.
iIt was my first time making my favorite pie that my mom makes. Simple and to the point. I must say no one can make it like my momma, but I think I did pretty well! I need a little more practice on the crust (as in rolling it enough where it can cover the bottom and top of the pie pan..) I improvised..haha
Needless to stay I have a lot more practicing to do but It tasted like buttery goodness..
On another note..

I recently moved into my new place and still getting everything decorated just right. One step/thrift store at a time! I included a picture of my bed area, and the rest will come soon. I am working on a couple collaborations with some people and making my relax/green corner next:)
Also...CLARK'S oh my can only imagine how surprised I was when I found out they have made awesome new styles for girls in boots! I went looking for some boots and saw an associate working who was actually wearing them. I had to try them. They are so comfortable and practical for going around shooting! I highly recommend to WON'T be disappointed !! Also for more updates follow along on my Instagram: emmajanekepley <3
Oh yea....Happy National Cheeseburger Day! Yea that's right get your man to take you to Shake Shack!



Folklike Friday

Yes "folklike" is a word! I am going to start having Folklike Friday from this day on. It is going to be the day where I recap my week, and take a moment and just be thankful. I have been given so many lovely opportunities lately. Through these opportunities I have developed a lot of beautiful friendships. I am continuously grateful and happy to make people happy with the photos I take of them. I am always pushing myself to see things differently then one may with my pictures. I want to continue to tell stories, and make you feel like you have known that person for years when you see the photos.
Today I finally got to pick up the new volume of Kinfolk. I swoon every time there is a new issue out. One day I would love to be published in their beautiful coffee table book. I know that I will have these volumes forever. There is something so raw and beautiful about everything they put into these, and that in itself draws me too them. 
This issue in particular focuses on stepping back from your everyday busy lifestyle, and just relaxing. Cutting yourself off from the virtual world is something I think we all should do one day out of the week/weekend. By that I also mean actually picking up a book or magazine to read something, and not your kindle or iPad. I think I may try this myself..I need to read more. I have a lot I need/want to learn.
Also I haven't been to my favorite coffee place in a while, and today I decided it was time. I have been running around shooting, and then editing nonstop....(again completely thankful!) Today I got paid for my first real job that I have been apart of for about a month. It felt so good to put money in the bank. Hard work does pay off. 

Anyways I sat at Bakeri and just breathed in and out...Much needed after a very hectic past couple weeks. It was a beautiful overcast/SUNNY day. The fall air is finally here, and I couldn't be more ready. As I drank my #dailycortado and devoured my favorite peanut chocolate chip cookie I couldn't help but think how blessed I am. I have a beautiful/supportive mom that I miss dearly, and a lot of lovely new NY friends that have helped me thus far in my career. Not to mention those who are reading this right now. Thank you for taking the time to click my link and read my rambling words. I tend to talk in circles...if you haven't noticed already;) I am smiling more and breathing more. A lot of good vibes happening , and I am determined to make those vibes continue. 
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend, and remember to actually relax a little! Sending good vibes to all:)




The other day I took Bonnie from Flashes of Style out on a little adventure. I wanted to break her out of the usual "blogger" type of shots and do something that has a story. I wanted it to still be like Bonnie...meaning I didn't want people to think I changed her just for a shoot. I just wanted her to let go of the red lipstick and show her natural beauty. We all get comfortable with certain things and begin to either settle or live behind those things. Perfect example is makeup and clothes. 
I must say the one thing I first noticed about Bonnie was the RED lips. She pulls them off perfectly, and I love that. Also I noticed in times we shot that she didn't need them either. Most people that follow her of course know her/love her because of those red lips haha...sounds funny. Anyways I wanted to show her other side...the more vulnerable side. I wanted you to see her let go a little. We acted like we were in Ireland for a day, and I think her inner warrior princess came out. 
