Hey guys I know you don't believe me anymore, but I promise this post will make up for the absence. I have a lot of photos from my recent ventures. Soon I will be talking about some collaborations I have been apart of, but I want you to see WHOLE pictures of my teaser ones on Instagram.
I have been stressed out lately to be honest. I have been trying to figure out what is next for me and my photography. It has taken a lot out of me. I am trying like soooooo many others are in NYC to just do my freelance as a job. Reality with freelance is that the "free" part can be used against you a lot of the time. It's hard sitting down and figuring out how much you are worth. Sounds weird I know...it's the sad truth to say the least. I have been trying to figure how to charge my clients to be able to make a living in NYC. I have been so grateful for the constant work/collaborations that have helped me get thus far in my career. So it's very important for myself to get the ew stuff like money that no one likes to talk about together. It's time to be smart and think about the logistics of living in NYC while also having fun on the side. By fun I mean my endless amounts of #dailycortados that I don't want to live without...oh and spending $7.00 on cookies instead of getting groceries..like my boyfriend pointed out :( Well I am a firm believer that a cookie a day keeps not only a doctor away but THIS girl happy and full of smiles.
I am at 11K on Instagram and it is all thanks to my followers from the beginning. You have stuck by my crazy babbling and spac-------y blog posts.....and for that I want to say THANK YOU!!! You don't know how surreal this all is. I have literally built a following from the ground up without being suggested etc. You all are awesome.
Anyways...I know your like Emma come on....pictures already!!!!
Without out further a do.....