I am trying to keep my posts pretty frequent! These are a couple of shots of people I got the other day. I am kind of obsessed with the first definitely my favorite, considering putting it in my portfolio. The second one was literally cropped I saw him from the opposite side of the street and loved how the tree framed the little cafe. He looked poised and happy with the spring day and I walked over and started snapping....A LOT. Eventually he noticed me...ha...then he turned the tables around and took his phone and took my picture! He was so kind and laughed about it. I guess it's not everyday he has a girl in a pink flowy dress taking his picture from outside on the corner....wait there could be worse things right??? haha
Then I was on Bedford and North 7th where all the craziness is. More like crazy goodness. Filled with beautiful people and fashion. Men with their hair gelled and combed over and just cruising around on their skateboards. Also we can't forget about the ladies with their shiny hair flowing in the wind and endless amount of Rag and Bone boots around every corner.....jealous emma over here.
The third picture is a guy I spotted across the street and waited for him to cross because I wanted a specific shot. I guess what I came out with is exactly what I wanted. I love how he is looking off and holding his board right before he skates off. It shows off his outfit nice as well. Then of course the next one is an example of those lovely Rag and Bone type booties I was talking about...swooning over here. This girl had spunk. You can see it in her stance. Also I love how she paired the sock with the boot...very smart for spring! Killing it. Then there was the next picture, this guy noticed me right away! He may have been doing a douchey move at first but it made for a great picture! I told him later that he was just to beautiful not to photograph....he then thanked me!
--Always kill them with kindness;)
And of course we end with a nice hair shot. I will always be a fan of hair shots and messy buns I am a huge fan of. This girl was on top of her game....
Hope you all enjoy.
Emma Jane