
Today was all about wandering through Williamsburg and discovering new gems. I have heard about Bakeri for some time now. I woke up and it was a pretty chilly and slightly overcast day in NYC. I thought it would be a great day to sit inside somewhere and sketch out some ideas for future things coming up! 

If you are ever in Williamsburg I highly recommend going to Bakeri. It's filled with beautiful bakers and an amazing atmosphere. You will also have more then enough trouble trying to decide what delicious treat to eat. It was nice to sit and have time to myself. I find those are the times you think the most and focus on things that you normally don't have time for. Planning out future projects and just sketching out my thoughts is something I have done forever. I feel lately I haven't given enough time to put a pen to paper and just doodle. Doodle those little nothings that someday may turn into future somethings. I am so blessed to be where I am right now and wouldn't trade it in for anything. If only you all knew how long I told my friends and sketched in MANY sketchbooks about eventually ending up in New York. My friends are probably laughing right now while reading this and nodding their heads because that is HOW MUCH I talked about it. I knew ever since my mom brought me to NYC for the first time that this place would be part of my future plans. So make sure to sketch/write EVERYTHING matter what. You just never know what may come from it! From now on I will make sure to follow my own advice and make time!

I hope you all enjoy my mini adventure today around my neighborhood! ​

​Emma Jane
